Commute Options

Bicycle Resources

Bicycle Resources

Find bike racks, a repair station, and lockers to make your commute easy.

CapMetro Bus Passes

CapMetro Bus Passes


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Waze Carpool

Waze Carpool


Parking on Campus

Parking is enforced on campus twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. All vehicles on campus are required to have a permit and park in accordance with the St. Edward’s University Traffic and Parking Regulations. The university's parking system eliminates the need to have or print a physical permit to place on your windshield or dash, 你的车牌就是你的许可证. The university uses License Plate Recognition (LPR) technology for enforcement and to issue vPermits. Please contact the Parking Services office at or (512) 326-PARK (7275) for all questions or concerns regarding campus parking. 

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With the population and employment in Central Texas growing, traffic congestion has become a major problem that threatens the economy, health, 以及该地区的福祉. The transportation system cannot handle all the people who are traveling at the same times and in the same directions, especially when most of those trips are in single-occupancy vehicles – there simply isn’t enough space on our roads. That is why St. Edward's University joined the Austin Mobility Challenge!